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This story came over on Nextdoor. This neighbor was SHOT AT for trying to get kids to stop going through cars looking for change. PLEASE UNDERSTAND THIS: We are living in a time of inflation where everything is more expensive and harder to get for low income people. When you don't see a path forward, shooting someone over change in a car console makes sense. Every time I go into Middlebury I am walking into a war zone. It's guns and drugs and insanity. The drug dealers will definitely kill you over a $50 debt. That increases pressure on the entire community for people that desperately need $50. And now it's moving west because there is more money over here. A homeless friend of mine said that he has recently realized that abandoned houses on the West side have not been gutted like all the houses have on the eastside.. He sees a new market for scrapping. If we don't deal with the income inequality in Akron it will deal with us.